Finding Relief from Computer Vision Syndrome Tips for Digital Device Users

Finding Relief from Computer Vision Syndrome: Tips for Digital Device Users


In today’s digital age, most of us spend a significant amount of time staring at computer screens, smartphones, and tablets. While these devices have undoubtedly made our lives easier and more connected, they also bring with them a set of potential health problems, including Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS). CVS is a condition caused by prolonged screen use, resulting in symptoms like eyestrain, dry eyes, headaches, and blurred vision. However, there are several steps you can take to find relief from CVS and protect your eyes while using digital devices.

Sub-heading 1: Adjusting Your Workstation

1. Position your monitor correctly: Ensure that your computer monitor is placed at a comfortable distance, about 20-24 inches away from your eyes. It should be slightly below your eye level and tilted slightly upward. Adjusting the monitor’s height and angle can help reduce eye strain and neck discomfort.

2. Optimize your display settings: Adjust the brightness, contrast, and color temperature of your screen to suit your comfort. Reducing blue light emission can particularly be helpful in reducing eye fatigue. There are free software programs available that can automatically adjust your screen’s settings based on the time of day.

3. Break up long work sessions: Staring at a screen for an extended period without any breaks can intensify CVS symptoms. Implement the 20-20-20 rule – every 20 minutes, take a 20-second break and look at something 20 feet away. This exercise helps reduce eye strain and refocuses your eyes at different distances.

Sub-heading 2: Practicing Eye Care and Healthy Habits

1. Blink frequently: When we focus on digital screens, we tend to blink less frequently, leading to dry and irritated eyes. Be conscious of your blink rate and make a conscious effort to blink, ensuring your eyes are adequately lubricated. If necessary, use artificial tears or lubricating eye drops to combat dryness.

2. Minimize screen glare: Excessive glare from your screen can exacerbate CVS symptoms. Position your monitor to avoid direct sunlight or bright ceiling lights reflecting on the screen. Additionally, consider using an anti-glare screen protector to reduce reflections and improve clarity.

3. Follow the correct posture: Maintaining the appropriate posture while using digital devices can significantly impact your eye health. Sit up straight with your back supported, ensuring your chair and desk are at the correct height. Slouching or hunching can strain your eyes, neck, and back, leading to discomfort and CVS symptoms.

Bullet List: Additional Tips for Finding Relief from CVS

– Take regular breaks and engage in exercises that promote eye health, such as eye rolls, focusing on distant objects, and massaging your temples.
– Keep your screens clean to enhance visibility and reduce strain.
– Use proper lighting in your workspace – ensure that the lighting is neither too dim nor too bright, reducing eye strain.
– Consider using blue light-blocking glasses or filters to minimize the harmful effects of blue light emitted by digital devices.
– Limit your screen time, especially before bed, as exposure to screens can disrupt sleep patterns and cause discomfort.


Computer Vision Syndrome is a common affliction for digital device users, but by implementing the tips mentioned above, you can find relief and protect your eyes. By adjusting your workstation, practicing eye care, and implementing healthy habits, you can minimize the symptoms of CVS and enjoy your digital devices while maintaining good eye health. Remember, it’s essential to strike a balance between technology use and taking care of your eyes.